During 2011 in the United States, approximately 140,000 men and women were diagnosed with cancer of the colon and rectum, while 17,000 men and women were diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. Similar disturbing statistics for these and other digestive cancers come out of the European Union. This Symposium is intended for internists and general practitioners, as well as gastroenterologists and gastrointestinal surgeons and it will feature comprehensive discussions of premalignant gastrointestinal conditions, their recognition and symptom alerts, as well as current diagnostic approaches and therapies. It will also highlight all the latest innovative diagnostic and therapeutic treatment used in gastroenterology throughout the world.
One of the key aims of the Symposium is to provide the attendees with the proper knowledge and awareness in order to recognize the various premalignant conditions of the digestive system and decide on how to manage them with surgical or endoscopic treatments, or both.
The organisers have secured the participation of eight distinguished speakers: Prof. Jerome Waye, President of the World Endoscopy Organization (WEO), Prof. Haruhiro Inoue, who will be giving the very first presentation in Greece on Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (P.O.E.M.), Prof. Charles J. Lightdale, Editor Emeritus of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the preeminent journal of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, Prof. Stefan Seewald, a pioneer of advanced techniques for the endoscopic management of Barrett’s dysplasia, Prof. Pierre Deprez, a master endoscopist and prolific investigator at the forefront of development of ESD in Europe, Prof. Dimitri Coumaros, a distinguished clinical researcher and teacher with life-long contribution to endoscopic training at IRCAD, Prof. Stavros Stavropoulos, an innovative endoscopist and clinician educator who performed the first human P.O.E.M. outside Japan and one of the few early adopters of ESD in the United States, Prof. Spiros D. Ladas, from Greece
There will be two meeting rooms, one for internists and general practitioners, and one for gastroenterologists and gastrointestinal surgeons. The presentations will include slides and videos, and adequate time for questions and answers, with the use of live translation.
The Symposium is endorsed by the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) and the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE), and accredited by the Hellenic Medical Association. This is a great privilege, showing the Symposium’s significance and scientific importance.
For more info and registration, you may visit: www.athens-symposium2012.gr
An Important International Medical Symposium in Athens
The International Symposium on “Gastrointestinal Cancer: Prevention, Recognition and Management - A Primer for Physicians” will take place at the Athens Hilton Hotel, on Saturday July 7, 2012.
One of the key aims of the Symposium is to provide the attendees with the proper knowledge and awareness in order to recognize the various premalignant conditions of the digestive system and decide on how to manage them with surgical or endoscopic treatments, or both.