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Meloni eyes EU comeback

After being isolated in EU top jobs talks, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is now on track for a comeback in Brussels

By: N. Peter Kramer - Posted: Wednesday, July 17, 2024

In a nutshell, Meloni will increase her leverage toward socialists and liberals. 
In a nutshell, Meloni will increase her leverage toward socialists and liberals. 

by N. Peter Kramer

Several sources from her EU political family, the hard-right ECR group, told that all indications suggest that the Fratelli d’Italia 24 MEPs will vote for Ursula von der Leyen to be re-elected in the EU Commission presidency, although officially, they are keeping their cards close to their chest.

ECR sources explained that Meloni wants to keep her distance from Hungary’s Viktor Orban and his newly formed far-right “Patriots for Europe”, which has been sidelined by the cordon sanitaire.  The “Patriots” tried but failed to elect a vice-president in the EU House, while Meloni elected three.

The right faction of the EPP already courts her and sees Meloni as a counterweight in case the progressive pro-EU coalition forces (Greens, S&D, Renew) push too much on green policies. In a nutshell, Meloni will increase her leverage toward socialists and liberals. 

Policy-wise, she also becomes unavoidable for the pro-EU coalition forces. She has already shaped the agenda on migration. The EU Commission will consider Meloni’s “externalisation of asylum procedures” plan in the next mandate, as Italy did with Albania. 

In a  letter to the member states socialist Commissioner Ylva Johansson, and EU socialists candidate Nicolas Schmit has declared to be open to the idea.

In short, Meloni will either build a bridge or will be put in the fridge.


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