NAVIGATOR Forum 2017
It gives us great pleasure to announce that NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS will proudly host the 17th NAVIGATOR 2017 - The Shipping Decision Makers Forum at HELLAS LIBERTY, (Floating Museum, Gate E2), Piraeus Port, from 09:30hrs to 16:00hrs.

Aiming at contributing to the continuation of the Greek Shipping History & tradition, this annual meeting could only take place in Piraeus and specifically at HELLAS LIBERTY, the only surviving Liberty ship appearing in its commercial form that is strongly linked to the post-war reconstruction and evolution of Greek Shipping. Therefore, part of the sponsorships revenue will be allocated for its maintenance.
Having established an open dialogue regarding key issues concerning Shipping since 2001, NAVIGATOR Forum, one of the most widely - recognized shipping events, is being held annually and every year attracts more than 400 prominent personalities of the Greek and International Shipping Community.
Aiming at contributing to the continuation of the Greek Shipping History & tradition, this annual meeting could only take place in Piraeus and specifically at HELLAS LIBERTY, the only surviving Liberty ship appearing in its commercial form that is strongly linked to the post-war reconstruction and evolution of Greek Shipping. Therefore, part of the sponsorships revenue will be allocated for its maintenance.
With the support of the internationally recognized Maritime Organizations, BIMCO, FEPROT, & ESPO, our sponsors’ contribution, the support of the entire Maritime Press and the experience of accredited speakers, the "17th NAVIGATOR 2017 - The Shipping Decision Makers Forum” this year aims to stress the importance of ports & supply chain in the shipping industry, focusing on the Sustainable Innovation and how it is challenging tradition in order to create new opportunities. A short presentation regarding Lesvos will also take place, as it is the honored island for this year’s Forum.
George Xiradakis, Managing Director of XRTC BUSINESS CONSULTANTS LTD. & President of The Propeller (the Port of Piraeus) and Helena Athoussaki, Head of Maritime Sustainability Centre – PwC, will be the moderators of the Forum for one more year.
The Minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Panagiotis Kouroumplis, has been invited to address the welcoming remarks.
Confirmed Speakers of 17th Navigator Forum are: H.E. Geoffrey Pyatt, Ambassador of the United States of America to Greece, Vassilis Korkidis, President - PIRAEUS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (PCCI) & President - HELLENIC CONFEDERATION OF COMMERCE & ENTREPRENEURSHIP (ESEE), Prof. Fani Sakellariadou, Head of Department of Maritime Studies – University of Piraeus, Athena Kanellatou, Managing Director – MACGREGOR GREECE, Kostis Achladitis, Managing Director – Golden Cargo, Mary Pothitos, Marine Insurance & Claims Handling Consultant, PARALEGAL MARITIME SERVICES, Sotiris Raptis, Senior Policy Advisor for Environment and Safety, EcoPorts Coordinator – ESPO, Capt. Gabriel Haldezos, Master Mariner, Diploma in Shipping – Shipping Expert, Dr. Kostas A. Damianidis, Architect, PhD on History of Shipbuilding, Michael Mantzafos, President - HELLENIC INSTITUTE OF MARINE, Jeff Horst, Commercial Director - FOSS MARITIME, Yoong Hui Chia, CEO – ASCENZ SOLUTIONS, Michael Lund, Deputy Secretary General – BIMCO, Dimitrios Mattheou, Managing Director - ARCADIA SHIPMANAGEMENT & Chairman – Green Award Foundation and Hugo Du Mez, Advisor Business Intelligence - Dry Bulk – Port of Rotterdam,
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Capt. Dimitris Bezantakos, President and Danae Bezantakou, CEO of NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS are looking forward to welcoming you in the 17th NAVIGATOR 2017 – The Shipping Decision Makers Forum.