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Welcome to the online edition of the “European Business Review (EBR)”, where journalists and distinguished guest-writers express their views and opinions on European affairs and Business issues with in-depth articles, analyses and commentaries.
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The European Parliament is also not happy. From the Parliament’s Budget Committee comes already the remark, that the proposal could be blocked if beneficiaries of the funds remain shrouded in secrecy.

Commission’s new budget plan angers European Parliament

A European Commission draft proposal to reform the next EU’s seven-year €1,2 trillion budget has already generated controversy

In the past, European interventions may not have always been an unmitigated success, but Europe was there at least to be accounted for. With geopolitical storms gathering speed, the EU seems to have lost its foreign policy.

The EU Needs an Interagency Process for Foreign Policy

Is European diplomacy still relevant ?

The research confirms that Russia has chosen Germany as the prime target of disinformation campaigns with the intention of detaching it from the Western alliance and turning it into Moscow’s advocate.

How Russia Invades Germany

The extent and systematic nature of the disinformation with which Putin’s Russia is flooding Western public opinion in order to destabilize liberal democracies and undermine their willingness to support Ukraine is becoming increasingly clear

Trudeau’s apparent belief that only he can carry on building the Liberal legacy seems disingenuous, given that there is clearly no new, enhanced Liberal agenda for a next electoral mandate.

Canada: What Explains Justin Trudeau’s Long Goodbye?

Is the Canadian Prime Minister’s refusal to leave office a symptom of hubris?

In Italy, Meloni’s ECR heads a coalition government with Matteo Salvini’s Lega (Patriots for Europe) and Antonio Tajani’s Forza Italia (EPP) - an alliance she seems eager to replicate at the EU level.

Meloni keen to form conservative front with EPP, Patriots

Italian Prime Minister and European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) leader Giorgia Meloni appears to be looking to unite the right-wing European People’s Party (EPP) group and the new far-right Orban-led Patriots for Europe group

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copyright 2024 EMG Strategic Consulting Ltd.

N. Peter Kramer, Contributing Editor
Christos Trikoukis, Publisher