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Welcome to the online edition of the “European Business Review (EBR)”, where journalists and distinguished guest-writers express their views and opinions on European affairs and Business issues with in-depth articles, analyses and commentaries.
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VDL will do her work ‘dictatorial’, without any consultation or any say or interference of anyone else. Her favourite way of doing her job.

The autocracy of the European Commission presidency

Now Ursula von der Leyen has cemented her second term as President of the European Commission, it is up to her and nobody else to distribute the commissioner’s portfolios

When Joe Biden bowed out of the U.S. presidential race there was a palpable relief in most European capitals.

Is Europe Ready for a New Transatlantic Era?

This should be Europe’s chance

At this point, perhaps the Democrats’ best hope to turn things around may well be Trump’s penchant for extreme arrogance and, for that reason, his inability to focus on maintaining a winning hand.

Will Trump Become a Victim of His Own Success?

For the Democrats in the United States, things have been looking bleak

Meloni was not swayed by von der Leyen’s tougher stance on immigration, her reference to the external dimension, or the announcement of a special commissioner for the Mediterranean—positions that many observers thought would have won her support.

Meloni’s vote against von der Leyen risks backfiring

After months of mutual wooing, Giorgia Meloni voted against the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen as president of the European Commission

Citing comments made after the meeting with Mr Putin in which Mr Orban accused the EU of having a "pro-war policy", Mr Borrell told reporters: "If you want to talk about the war party, talk about Putin.

Hungary stripped of EU meeting over Ukraine stance

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borell, has stripped Hungary of the right to host the next meeting of foreign and defence ministers over its stance on the war in Ukraine

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copyright 2024 EMG Strategic Consulting Ltd.

N. Peter Kramer, Contributing Editor
Christos Trikoukis, Publisher