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Welcome to the online edition of the “European Business Review (EBR)”, where journalists and distinguished guest-writers express their views and opinions on European affairs and Business issues with in-depth articles, analyses and commentaries.
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The judgment said that ‘The threat to public order appears to be deduced solely from the reactions that its organisation could arouse among opponents’. The principle of proportionality requires ‘…that measures are taken to curb demonstrations on public roads, rather than banning meetings in a closed space’,

‘Free debate and exchange of views is vital. Even when you disagree’.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will speak today at the National Conservatism Conference in Brussels, a two-day far-right conference

“But we need a European Union that is fit for today’s and tomorrow’s world. What I’m proposing… is radical change.”

Draghi: EU must enact ‘radical change’ as US and China refuse to ‘play by the rules’

Europe must undergo “radical change” to remain competitive in the face of China and the United States’ refusal to “play by the rules” of international trade, the former president of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi said

If Scholz spoke out about what is happening in Tibet, or his concerns about a war between China and Taiwan, or the treatment of the Uyghurs, no doubt Xi would point to the West’s double standards.

Scholz’s Visit to China Confirms Germany’s Political Weakness

An official visit to China is like a pilgrimage for German leaders and a ritual for German company bosses

As airlines try to sell themselves as greener than their competitor, how can claims about their fuels be verified?

Can citizens trust sustainable aviation fuel?

The market for low-carbon fuel for aeroplanes is still nascent, but it’s growing

On the other hand, POS systems process and utilize information about both the type of customers and the product categories they choose.

Artificial intelligence and competitiveness in the retail sector

The importance of AI and machine learning in the retail market is confirmed by the projected dramatic growth of AI services worldwide, which will skyrocket from $5 billion to $30 billion by 2030

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copyright 2024 EMG Strategic Consulting Ltd.

N. Peter Kramer, Contributing Editor
Christos Trikoukis, Publisher